Toyota Mobility Foundation Launches $9 Million Global Challenge to Transform Cities’ Mobility Systems

The Toyota Mobility Foundation, in collaboration with Challenge Works and World Resources Institute, has launched a $9 million global challenge called the Sustainable Cities Challenge. The initiative aims to assist cities in adapting to the future and improving the lives of millions of people, including those in India. The challenge focuses on transforming mobility systems by increasing access to jobs, education, and essential services, reducing carbon emissions, improving accessibility, and utilizing data to build resilient transportation systems. City leaders and relevant agencies worldwide, including Indian cities, are invited to submit entries under three themes: expanding access to safe and affordable transportation, harnessing the power of data for connected mobility ecosystems, and reducing environmental impact through low-carbon solutions.

Shortlisted cities will attend a capacity-building academy and three winning cities will host City Challenges to attract global innovators. The winners will share $9 million in funding to test and implement their mobility solutions. The Sustainable Cities Challenge addresses the increasing urban population and the need for sustainable urban mobility. It is funded by the Toyota Mobility Foundation and developed in partnership with Challenge Works and World Resources Institute. The initiative aims to accelerate innovation, decarbonize cities, and create inclusive and accessible urban environments.