Be cautious! Unknowingly, we are intaking plastics at home

Everywhere we see there are plastics, for example, look around you there will be some plastic items maybe water bottles, files, lunchboxes, chocolate wrappers, and so on. We know that plastics are harmful to us and our surroundings but we have not stopped using plastics, we are using upgraded plastics and saying that we people are not polluting but those upgraded ones are also harmful but less compared to thin layered plastics.

We know that plastics are around us but due to our use of plastics as food containers for convenience, nowadays plastics are in our blood as microplastics. Which are tiny particles of plastic.

In our home through our daily activities, we release microplastics, while washing clothes and heating food in the microwave, in the washing machine dyes come out that contain plastic particles, and in the microwave, the low-quality food containers will release microplastics in food. Also, our cosmetics contain microplastics, which will harm our outer body.

Also, our activities affect other organisms mainly marine organisms, and the waste that ends up in the ocean gets converted into minute particles and enters into marine organisms’ bodies during their consumption. Which in turn, gets into our body while we eat marine food.

Therefore, we should ensure that we use fewer plastic items and avoid low-quality plastics and their proper disposal which will not affect other pity organisms and make the situation even worse, and teach the kids to appropriate disposal of plastics so that future generations be aware of plastics and empathize for other organisms.