PI Sekar Addressed NGPiTECH Students on Drug Prevention

Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology’s Red Ribbon Club, in association with National Service Scheme and Youth Red Cross, organized an “Awareness Program on Drug Abuse.” The event aimed to educate students about drug usage, its associated problems, and health effects. P. Sekar, Inspector of Police(PI) from the Prohibition & Enforcement Division, Coimbatore, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. He delivered an expert lecture on drug prevention, benefiting all NGPiTech students. The program also included drug awareness activities, and winners were felicitated with prizes by the Chief Guest. S.U. Prabha, Principal of NGPiTech, welcomed the attendees. Boopathy, Dean of Student Affairs, Chandrasekar, Assistant Professor (SG)/Mathematics and Praveen Kumar Assistant Professor, Physics were also present. The vote of thanks was presented by Senthil Rajan, Assistant Professor (SG) from the Department of Civil Engineering, NGPiTech.