Lifestyle alteration with Smart Caloric Diet can trim your weight

Much has been discussed that to lower the weight of our body, we need to strictly follow diet and eat foods with lesser calories and exercise a lot. But for a vast majority of people working on this concept, the expected results seem to be a no-show.

While lowering calories and doing physical exercises helps, it doesn’t help as great as the Lifestyle practice could do. The lifestyle we follow programs our Hormones to have a heightened or controlled hunger, cravings, energy, mood and metabolism.

The focus then when it comes to weight loss should fall on controlling our hormones; and for that, one needs to turn into a detective of his body than a dieter.  Following vegetarian diet will work for some and not for everyone else. So the first thing to do is to have a smarter caloric diet (i,e) food rich in protein, low in sugar and not more than 5-15 bites/swallows during breakfast/meal/dinner. There is no standard food for weight loss as everyone’s body is different.

Next is to find out the frequency of hunger from a meal to meal. Skipping a meal will not help in lowering the weight. We need to eat when hunger hits and not when we are craving. It is good to note the level of cravings, and take fruits, juice and fiber rich snacks during times of sudden hunger and only indulge in what we like to bite on once a week.

Following these can alter the hormones, leading to reduced fat gain and lowering of body weight. Should there be no change, then the need to alter the foods taken prevails. As long as we measure not the calories alone and focus on the lifestyle, amount of intake, when it’s taken in, what kind of food didn’t work, frequency of taking in chaats in a week, our body weight could be brought under control.

Should all these info be noted? Yes, if you wanna trim that fat, mate!