8 Hours sleep, a must for an individual

Sleeping is one of the most important functions of the body. According to scientists, Getting enough sleep during exam time will help improve grades may help boost your grades.

Researchers from Baylor University in the US invited students to participate in “The 8-hour Challenge”, in which participants were given extra points if they completed an average eight hours of sleep for five nights during final exams week.The study found that those who completed the challenge performed better in exams.

Students who slept well received extra points during the challenge, the “mini-incentive” was not included in the analysis of how well they performed on the finals, said Elise King, assistant professor at Baylor.

Those who opted to take the challenge wore wristband sleep-monitoring devices for five days to ensure accurate study results. Poor sleep is common during the exam time as students tend to skip sleep, have more stress and are exposed to more bright light, all of which may disrupt sleep.