Dr. N.G.P College of Education Raises Awareness on Cyber Security, Drug Abuse, and Social Media Addiction

Dr. N.G.P College of Education in Coimbatore conducted an awareness program on Cyber Security, Drug Abuse, and Social Media Addiction on July 10th, 2023. The program aimed to educate student teachers about the risks associated with these issues. The event featured police personnel from the Coimbatore city police who addressed the students. A project called ‘Police Akka’ was launched during the program to establish trust and promote friendliness between the police force and college girl students, aiming to protect them from cybercrimes and offenses.

The importance of using the MKavach app for mobile security was emphasized by Dhanalakshmi, Special Sub Inspector of Police. The positive influence of books and responsible mobile phone usage was discussed by a Kiruthika, Head Constable.

Students were encouraged to ask questions, and emergency contact numbers were shared. The program aimed to raise awareness and provide tools and knowledge to protect against risks.