Ganga Women and Child Care Centre’s 6th International Labor Congress Promotes Advancements in Labor Management                                

The Ganga Women and Child Care Centre recently hosted the successful 6th International Labor Congress at Ganga Hospital. The three-day conference, held from June 16th, 2023, explored the theme of “Changing Events in Labour Management.”

Dr Suma Natarajan, the Organizing Chairperson and Senior Consultant at Ganga Women and Child Care Centre, welcomed the attendees and highlighted the dynamic nature of medicine, constantly evolving with new evidence and practices. The conference facilitated the exchange of knowledge through workshops, discussions, debates, and contests.

International consultant obstetricians Dr Timothy Draycott from the United Kingdom and Dr Ravichandran from Malaysia served as special speakers, while renowned national experts led various sessions. Dr Mahapatra, the Chief Guest, delivered a keynote address on Simulation and Artificial Intelligence in Labor and Delivery. Dr. Anuradha Pichumani, the Guest of Honor and Executive Director of Sree Ranga Hospital emphasized the importance of Quality Standards in Healthcare.

With more than 575 delegates, including 30 faculties, in attendance, the congress received positive feedback. Participants commended the informative sessions presented by esteemed speakers, providing innovative evidence to enhance labour care.

An artistic vision contest on the theme “Happy and Healthy Women” was held, honouring participants with cash prizes and certificates. Dr Narmadha, the Organizing Secretary, expressed gratitude and concluded the event.