PSG Tech to organize International Conference on Communication, IOT and Security

PSG College of Technology Coimbatore is organising an AICTE sponsored IEEE “International conference on Intelligent System for Communication, IOT and Security” (ICISCoIS-2023) from 9th to 11th February 2023. The conference is organized by the Department of Information Technology and PSG Care .The conference will be in hybrid mode(online/offline presentation).

The theme of the conference is to bring experts from across the nation to share and discuss their expertise in various fields like IOT and security. The conference will feature interactive scientific sessions and workshops on the IOT and Security. Through seventeen keynote speakers and eminent experts from industry will be sharing their research expertise. The inaugural session of the pre-conference will be held on 9th with inaugural address by Principal Dr. k. Prakasan. Around 200 research papers will be presented in the conference on 10th and 11th February. Besides eminent experts, including Director Dr. R. Rudramoorthy and Professor & Head of the Department Dr. k. Umamaheswari will grace the three days event.