Advanced Therapies in Heart Block Treatment

– Dr. P. Arun Kaushik, Professor of Cardiology, PSG Hospitals

In the last five years, there have been many advanced therapies to clear blockages in the heart vessels. Optimized PCI Procedure is one such advancement. A camera like device is sent through the blood vessel and the entire characteristics of the blockages (length & width) and the blood vessel’s characteristics are studied and then a stent is kept accordingly. This reduces the recurrence of block.

If the block is due to deposit of calcium in the arteries, then using Rotablation (a special drill that is diamond coated), the block is cleared away.

Other techniques like Cutting Balloon and Lithotripsy are also used to clear the deposit and make way for the stenting procedure. In some cases, the blockage’s status identified using angiogram may vary when done in different centers. Patients may ask whether they need stenting to be done. With the use of FFR technique, the pressure before and after the blockage is identified and it gives clear results whether the patient requires stenting procedure.

With the advancements available today, we can do Aortic Valve Replacement without surgery through the blood vessels in the leg.

Like this there are many advances today to provide relief for patients in a much safer and efficient way. I would like to convey this to everyone on this year’s World Heart Day.