Criticize but don’t shame or spread hate

Twitter has become more than just a social media platform. Globally speaking, 70% of politicians are on Twitter and a few of them share their political criticisms and their followers either spread hate or shame their opposition than they share optimistic news.

  1. Karunanidhi, a renowned South Indian politician affectionately by his supporters and a vast group of people as ‘Kalaignar’ (The Artist) is a poet, playwright, journalist and much more. He passed away on Aug 7, 2018 and he made a great reformation in Indian politics.

His contributions to Tamil Welfare and Tamil Arts are higher than the accusations his oppositions have cast on his. He had legal cases on him but he was never proven guilty, not even once. His birthday was on June 3rd. Indians and people around the world believe in the Latin phrase De Mortuis Nihil Nisi Bonum – Of the dead, nothing but good. It is unfair to criticize an icon when he is dead and it would be appreciated if it was proved during his lifetime.

Twitter, on his birthday saw 59.1K Tweets with the Hashtag #HBDFatherOfCorruption  trending in the social media platform. We all have a childish believe that a man or a woman shouldn’t be insulted on his/her birthday. It was sad to see such an inspiring personality being shamed by those who didn’t know the truth.  All that was in those hashtagged tweets had nothing but hate.

We all have the right to criticize but we are not welcome anywhere to spread hate and shame a person, especially after their death.