Dr Vimal Kumar Govindan to Inspire Blood Donation at PSG IMS&R’s World Blood Donor Day Celebration

PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research and PSG Hospitals (PSG IMSR&H) celebrated World Blood Donor Day with an event organized by the Youth Red Cross (YRC). The event took place today at the PSG IMSR Auditorium.

The Chief Guest for the occasion was Dr Vimal Kumar Govindan, a Professor from the Department of General Surgery. Dr. Govindan, a dedicated voluntary blood donor himself and has selflessly donated blood more than 35 times. His presence inspired and encouraged others to contribute to this noble cause.

The event included a comprehensive report on the activities carried out by PSG IMSR’s YRC. Dr. Prasanna N Kumar, a Professor of Pathology at PSG IMSR, delivered a brief talk on understanding apheresis, shedding light on this important aspect of blood donation.

Furthermore, the event involved the distribution of certificates to the voluntary student blood donors as well as recognition for frequent blood donors at the PSG IMS&R blood center. This gesture aims to acknowledge and appreciate their significant contributions to the cause.

All the faculty members and the medical students attended the event, and witnessed the selfless acts of voluntary blood donors.