Rajmohan Nair inaugurated Physiotherapy and Training Centre

The Rotary Club of Coimbatore Spectrum recently inaugurated the Physiotherapy and Training Centre Block at The Special Children Day Care Centre in Sarkar Samakulam in the presence of Rtn Rajmohan Nair, District Governor. The block, valued at Rs 45 lakhs, was made possible through the CSR funds of M/s Baker & Hughes Ltd. During the event, wheelchairs were also handed over to the centre by the Rotary Club.

The inauguration was attended by DEO Punitha, President Rtn Badrinath, Dist Director Rtn Mylsamy, Assistant Governor Rtn Sanjay Shah, GGR Rtn Kavitha, Secretary Rtn Lakshman, Project Chairman Rtn Sampath and other Spectrum members and officials from the education department.

The new facility will provide improved services and resources for children with special needs, including state-of-the-art physiotherapy equipment.