Planet Earth is on a Climate Emergency

Greta Thunberg,  a teenage eco-warrior who started a revolution against environment abuses,  has stated that the discussion about Climate Change in US A has not come as far where she is. “USA is debating whether there is Climate Crisis is there or not. Some people who don’t accept or understand science deny the climate crisis”, she said.

This opinion is shared by many personalities and scientists. Among them are William Ripple, Distinguished Professor at Oregon State University and his team of researchers. William and his team have declared with more than 15,000 scientist signatories from around the world clearly and unequivocally that our planet Earth is facing a Climate Emergency. Climate change is more severe than predicted and it’s accelerating faster than scientists were expecting.

Christopher Wolf, Researcher at Oregon State University said “we collected 2 sets of data over the last 40 years; things like population growth, fertility rate, meat consumption. And then in parallel we also looked at atmospheric CO2, nitrogen oxide, methane, ice melting.”

William Ripple added “ the data is looking much worse than expected. What we have in this paper (research paper – “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice” ) is a call to action- Reducing carbon di oxide emission, stopping deforestation and planting a lot of trees, reducing meat and finally we talk about curbing the population explosion, for example educating girls and young women about family planning options.”

Christopher said “President Trump’s response has been really unfortunate in terms of the Paris Agreement. And one of the things we try to highlight in our paper is that there are things that individuals can do and things that more appropriately done at the level of policy.

“The message I would sent to President Trump is that it is very important for the United States to lead the world in fighting climate change. Greata is fantastic. She’s inspiring many people around the world, and actually she inspires me and that helped inspire this current project. We are at a social tipping point where humanity is talking enough about climate change and starting to take action, that we might actually see some really positive things happening here as we move forward ”, opined William Ripple.

While Former US President Obama made USA a supporting nation of the Paris Accords, current President Donald Trump said climate change is a hoax, and is keen on making US with draw from Paris Accords.