Ours is one of India’s biggest Dialysis Centers

-Dr.Arivazhagan, Consultant Nephrologist, PSG Hospitals

I have been working at PSG Hospitals’ Nephrology Department since 2018. As Nephrologists, we take care of kidney related ailments.  Dialysis and Kidney Transplant are our main work.

When patients reach us with signs of early kidney damage, we can potentially prevent progression to permanent kidney failure. Our services include treatments for acute kidney problems, diabetic kidney disease, hypertension, kidney biopsy, haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, kidney transplant, etc.

Our hospital has one of the largest dialysis centres which does approximately 2000 dialysis sessions per month. It has round the clock presence of nephrologists in the premises.

When kidney related ailments occur, next to dialysis, the other big and valuable solution we could provide is Kidney Transplant.  Our department is a team of three consultant nephrologists including me. We are equipped with the best facilities to do transplant procedures, and we have seen good success rates among patients who have undergone transplant procedure at our hospital.

At the same time, for dialysis patients, we have been able to provide them with long years of good quality life on dialysis. For critically ill patients, we have the infrastructure and expertise to perform specialized form of dialysis. We can provide these advanced treatments under various insurance schemes to benefit the populace.