Online as effective as offline learning – Study by Lead finds!

An empirical analysis on academic performance of 20,000 students between Academic Year 2019-20 and post COVID year 2020 has revealed that online learning is as effective as offline learning.

The analysis by EdTech player LEAD further indicates that students who had more than 80 percent attendance during online classes scored 45 percent higher than those students who had irregular attendance.

The results abate the continued apprehensions of parents regarding learning efficacy in online classrooms – a new normal that was observed across India following school closures since March 2020.

The middle and end of the year assessment for Academic Year (AY) 2019-2020 and AY 2020-2021 also indicates that online schooling has maintained the language fluency and numeracy similar to offline mode.

For core subjects English and Maths, students who scored 79 percent and 77 percent respectively in AY 19-20 were observed to have scored 75 percent in both subjects in AY 20-21. The pattern was noted in mid-term exams as well across pre-primary, primary and secondary grades indicating that the right use of technology, teacher training and well-structured curriculum can provide good quality learning to children until schools can reopen safely.

The findings come as a big relief for parents, 85 percent of whom had expressed anxiety about their child’s future in a LEAD survey of 5,000 parents conducted last year.

Data also finds correlation between higher attendance, academic performance and school fees as parents were observed to be more comfortable with the delivery of education being provided despite the sudden and prolonged disruption.