Avoid this idiotic internet challenge at all cost

With the growth of digital media, business, knowledge and innovation spread fast. Sometimes idiotic stuffs too travel at the same pace in the internet world.  Some of the internet challenges were productive and had a purpose (which we’ll discuss later); but as of late, the MoMo Challenge and KiKi challenge exhibited nothing but useless and unhealthy.

In that same line there is a new one called the Bin bag challenge/ vacuum challenge doing rounds in the internet. Those who take the challenge will have to step inside a big plastic bag and cover their entire body under that bag while another person will suck all the air that is inside the plastic bag and cover the neck area using a firm adhesive tape. The one who takes this challenge will have to remain inside the vacuumed cover as long as he can. He cannot move a muscle while in vacuum.

This challenge has been going viral in social media platforms now with the hash-tag #vacuumChallenge. There are many parents making their children take this challenge and posting the videos on Instagram/Facebook . Although it doesn’t pose immediate risk when done with adult supervision, when something is made viral, the chances of kids taking it without parental/adult supervision is high and at such times, they could get injured and may even lead to life-risks.

People who suffered mostly from these challenges are kids and teens. MoMo Challenge, Blue whale challenge and other hazardous challenges, mostly affect children. We live in a fast-evolving world where internet is accessed by everyone. The fun in challenges hides the hazards which parents must make sure their children don’t follow.

Now, as I said in the beginning that there are some productive internet challenges. They are My Tree Challenge – planting a tree sapling; Book List Challenge-  posing a list of books one has read, Trashtag Challenge – Cleaning an area that has solid wastes and plastic wastes, and sharing the picture before and after cleaning that area. And finally, the Love Bucket Challenge- it involves filling a basket with foods and other items to donate to orphanages.

There are so many good things out there. Encourage these and eliminate the silly ones.