KMCH Nursing Students Lead the Way in Diabetes Education and Outreach

The KMCH College of Nursing celebrated World Diabetes Day on November 14th and 15th, 2023, aiming to raise awareness about Diabetes Mellitus. Organized by the Medical-Surgical Nursing department, faculty, and students, the theme was ‘Access to Diabetic Care.’ Day 1 at KMCH Main Center featured second-year B.Sc. Nursing students showcasing models, moulage, diet displays, and posters on Type-I, Type-II, and Gestational Diabetes. Prof. DR. S. Madhavi and Dr. T.R. Sivagnanam inaugurated the event, evaluating models and posters. Basic parameter assessments benefited 262 patients, with referrals for those with elevated blood pressure and glucose.

Day 2 at KMCH IHSR saw second-year B.Sc. Nursing students exhibiting models, moulage, and posters on diabetes aspects. Prof. DR. S. Madhavi, Maj. Gen. Dr. R. Ravikumar and Dr. Ramkumar S inaugurated the program. A total of 258 patients benefited from basic parameter assessments, with referrals for those with elevated blood pressure and glucose to General OPD. The initiative aimed to promote a healthy lifestyle and diabetes awareness.