PSG announces collaboration with Johnson & Johnson Institute

To provide advanced training in surgical skills to Post-Graduate students of PSG IMSR, PSG Hospitals signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Johnson & Johnson Institute (JJI), recently.

While PSG IMSR, the medical college run by PSG & Sons’ Charities has facilities to train students on various basic surgical skills, through this collaboration, the postgraduate students at PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (PSGIMS&R) can train in advanced surgical.

Dr.T.M. Subba Rao, Principal, PSG IMSR and Dr.Vinod Gopal, Director for Professional Education, Johnson& Johnson Private Limited signed the MoU.  Dr P.R. Rajkumar, Medical Director, PSG Hospitals, Dr J.S. Bhuvaneswaran, Director, PSG Super Specialty Hospital, and representatives of both entities took part at the inking of MoU.

A press release from PSG mentioned that the Medical Director of PSG Hospitals had requested Johnson & Johnson Institute to offer their customized skill modules to the surgeons of Super Specialty department such as Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Urology, Surgical Oncology, Plastic Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Liver Transplant Surgery etc.,. Many of these consultants use very fine sutures which can be used only under an operating microscope.

In response, Dr Poovizhi, Manager of Professional Education, Johnson & Johnson Institute, responded that Johnson& Johnson Institute has constructed two mobile training centers called ‘Institute on Wheels’ which offer skill training on these disciplines. This mobile center reaches affiliated centers on specified dates in a year and the Postgraduates and faculty can make use of this program. Dr.Vinod Gopal mentioned that, the entire training program is offered free of cost, as part of Corporate Social Responsibility.