Book penned by Dr.G.Bakthavathsalam released

The release of the book ‘Hare Krishna! Hare Krishna!’ penned by KG Hospital Chairman Dr.G.Bakthavathsalam; felicitation of  ‘Angel Veeranganaigal’ – Brave Women and International Women’s Day Celebrations were held together as a Mupperum Vizha at Hare Krishna Auditorium, KG College of Nursing on Saturday.

During the occasion, 4 guests were honored. They are  Adv.Malathi, Justice S.Baskaran, Chairperson, State Human Rights Commission, Tamil Nadu, Uma Maheshwari, Managing Director, Ananya Shelters, Nirmala, Dean, CMCH.

As of now, the book launch and felicitation are over, and the next event in this Mupperum Vizha – Women’s Day Celebration will be held at KG Hospital on the 3rd Week of March 2021.