Farmers are the incarnation of Gods

– Selvaganesh, President, Bharatiya Hindu Parivar- Tamil Nadu

When a person is walking towards change, it means that he is going to experience something new in his life. We came across one such person whose journey is always on a unique path. He is none other than Selvaganesh, President, Bharatiya Hindu Parivar- Tamil Nadu. (BHP-TN). We had a nice conversation with him on a wonderful evening.

“I belong to an agricultural family. Since my early days as a child, I would think a lot when I am alone. I developed the desire to do things that we should do what could give us joy rather than do what others ask us. The decisions that we take in our childhood has the potential to change our life. All we need to do is to identify which is right and which is wrong, and take the road that bears fruit. For a man to live life well, education is key but I firmly believe that experience teaches greater lessons that transcend text books.

I have seen farmers go to work in my childhood. They would pack their lunch and go to the field in the early morning. I was curious to know how they work in the field, so I visited them. With their feet in the mud and sweat dripping from their face, they were planting seedlings.

After their lunch, they would return to their work swiftly. They would return home in the evening after toiling hard. I wondered what benefits do they and the people reap. What my parents told me at that time left a strong impression in my heart. They said that only if those farmers toil under the scorching Sun, we can eat our food every day. Those words left a deep mark in my conscience. From that moment onwards, I proclaimed to my friends and to everyone I meet that Farmers are the incarnation of Gods.

But the times have changed. We are enslaving ourselves to fast moving type of a lifestyle. There a lot of things that needs correction in our nation but I as an individual cannot do that.  When I came across the social-responsible precepts of Bharatiya Hindu Parivar, I liked it, and so I joined it. I liked the nation-building plans of Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji, and so I follow him.

I received the opportunity to serve the society through Bharatiya Hindu Parivar and I took helm of BHP’s President of Tamil Nadu. During that time, I said to all my BHP members that we all are one family and we all need to take care of our family and it is our responsibility.

Taking my word, this family has been executing various plans for the welfare of the people. Education and Water are our essential needs and BHP-TN is working fast on solving those issues. At the same time, we found there is a lack of awareness among the public about the several plans that Central Government brings.  The BHP-TN Family Members are creating awareness on that to the people of this part of our country.

There are many temples and pools that needs to be maintained properly, but sadly they are not preserved. BHP is working towards fixing these issues in many ways. No one in our country is an atheist. The truth is that we don’t have a proper understanding of spirituality. I too was once upon a time unsure about God and my belief swayed in the air.  At that time, I had a thought of visiting various temples across the country to know about how spirituality was among people of those ancient times.  I visited holy places and cities. After that, I came to know that Spirituality is the foundation of India. I wanted to convey that to our people and on that note, on behalf of BHP-TN, we have been doing various yagams and restoration of temples.

The first of the many good efforts  from us is the Maha Prabanja Yagam  that is taking place in Karur. In my walk towards destiny, I am glad to have to the support of honorable Modi ji, Amit Shah ji and I thank them. To achieve, all it needs is a good heart and association of willing hands. Our BHP is such organization. Through our social works, we wish to make our country a peaceful, beautiful and spiritual nation in the coming days and we need all your support.