In the process of creating Future-Ready generations!

An Introduction to Career Counselling was given to hundreds of young minds who attended the Global University Fair for High School Students organized by SSVM Institutions, on Saturday.

29 reputed Universities & institutions from 10+ countries, including India unfurled innumerable job options before the students.

The idea behind this program is to make every participating student first have the opportunity to explore their strengths and also guide the students to achieve their dream.

As you know, the preparation for Higher Education takes place usually at 11th or 12th standard for a student. When it begins at that stage, it becomes too late for him/her to master the skills and knowledge needed to land at the right institution for that dream course and career.

SSVM organized this fair in collaboration with SkillsReform (a Delhi based organization that specialized in Career Guidance and Future Skills Training) through which the students are briefed about their strengths, weaknesses and skills at a very early stage, and they were also briefed by the participating varsities from Regional, National and International levels about what they look for in a candidate and shared other essential information related to higher studies.

India Skills Report 2021 shared that “Employability of India’s youth has decreased to 45.9% with the percentage of highest employable talent in the age group of 18-21 years old, at 40%”. Hence, skill training and career counselling at a young age becomes paramount, and SSVM made this an open-event, where students from various institutions not just from Coimbatore but from Pollachi, Erode and nearby districts attended.

The varsities’ representatives also briefed the parents of the students about the courses offered and the eligibilities, scholarship opportunities, etc.  We learned that what happened on Saturday was just an introduction to career counselling to the students, and in the future SSVM Institutions would be hosting similar fairs with higher number of Universities taking part.

Manimekalai Mohan, Founder, Mohandoss, Trustee, Srisha Nitin, Director of Education, SSVM Group of Institutions, Venunadhan Pillai, Executive Principal, SSVM & International Curriculum Expert, Chetan Khurana, Co-Founder, SkillsReform took part in the event.

Photos : Sathis Babu.P
News : David Karunakaran.S