5000+ bottles were disposed- Siruthuli

Siruthuli in a warm gesture thank all for their contribution in collection of PET Bottles in commemoration of World Environment day 2018 under the theme ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’ from various locations.

It gives us a twin sprouted feeling at this moment- ‘Alarming’ to note that 5000+ bottles are being disposed in a week’s time at only few locations, and ‘Accomplishing’ to note that our small initiative has reached so many people that they have come forward to drop these 5000+ used bottles for an up cycling purpose (Construction of Toilets) rather than ending up in landfills.

The organization also said that in the second phase we would require Volunteers for filling up the PET Bottles with sand for further process. Any no of interested volunteers can contact Siruthuli on the following address from 15/06/2018 – 24/06/2018 during the time mentioned below, even 1 hour of their time will be a value add.