Ukraine claims 5 Russian aircrafts shot down

Amid the ongoing crisis between Ukraine and Russia, media reports state that Ukraine Government has shot down 5 enemy planes. Maria Pysarenko, a journalist from Ukraine who is in Kyiv said to India Today “Information has just came like minutes ago about military planes which had been shot… the main thing is nobody understands actually what type of planes, how big are they (Were shot down). We are still waiting for official information from sources from Parliament”

Martial Law is in effect in Ukraine, and the country already said it will face the War head-on.

Gaurav, Sr.Executive Editor India Today said ” This is huge if true, and the fact that the Ukrainian govt., is claiming that 5 aircraft have been shot is a major indication of effective countermeasures that Ukraine is taking in response and this what the Nationalists have been saying here in Ukraine… this is what the Nationalists have been claiming all along that whatever man and material they have, they will fight back, and they will not roll over and play dead,”

Gaurav also shared that as far as War is concerned this might be a disinformation plan by Ukraine. But if 5 aircraft have been shot down, this is a massive escalation, and it could bring much more action, not to this region (Donbas, Ukraine) alone but it could spread across the country of Ukraine.

Update: Ukraine said that at least seven people were killed and nine wounded by Russian shelling, as per a Reuters report. 

(Stay tuned)