Bariatric Surgery gives fresh start to obese patients

“People who are obese will have endured lots of mocking and bullying. I found it very hard to go outside, visit a clothing shop and find the apparels that I like because I was obese. I used to cry. I suffered sleep apnea due to obesity, and it affected my studies a lot. Concentrating on my classes was a very difficult challenge. Everything changed after I underwent bariatric surgery. I am very confident now”, said a bold teenager named Jayasuriya.

He shared this message at the first year anniversary celebration of PSG Hospitals’ Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery Department that was held on Saturday. Jayasuriya was one of the 5 obese patients who underwent the surgery on the same year one year ago at PSG Hospitals. He was 160 kgs earlier. Post the surgery he is now at 100 kgs. The teenager is expected to come to his ideal weight in the next 6 months.

Bariatric Surgeon Dr.S.Balamurugan and his team have helped 23 such obese patients in the last one year, and these patients are now living a new life. 5 of them visited the hospital and shared about their new life at the Post-Surgery Patients’ Support Group Meeting that was held on the same day.

Speaking to The Covai Mail, Dr.Balamurugan said that when obesity leads to other health risks, bariatric surgery comes as a valuable option to escape from the risks.  When a person’s body weight is 35-40 kgs above his/her BMI, that person would need the support for this surgery, he added. When asked whether Bariatric Surgery is like cosmetic surgery, he said “ absolutely not. This surgery is needed to live a healthy life and is aimed at ensuring the well-being of the patient”

“Out of 23 surgeries, 19 patients were diagnosed with sleep apnea. They are now are completely free from apnea. In female patients, menstrual irregularities became normal and infertility is gone now. 6 patients are now out of type 2 diabetes and got cured”, a press release stated.

Dr.Balamurugan said that PSG Hospitals has been doing these bariatric surgery since 2005 but in 2019, a dedicated department for this field was inaugurated with the excellent support from the Management (PSG & Sons’ Charities) and has been focused on improving the quality of life of obese patients.

“Obesity is a chronic, non-communicable progressive disease and this excess weight may increase the risk for many health problems including, Type 2 diabetes, Hyper tension & Cardiovascular diseases, Sleep apnea / Respiratory problems, Osteoarthritis, Infertility, Certain types of Cancer, GERD/Heart burn, Fatty liver/ NASH, Kidney Disease, Psychological issues, Pregnancy problems, such as high blood glucose (sugar) during pregnancy, high blood pressure, and increased risk of caesarean delivery (C-section)”, the statement briefed.

All these risks could be largely avoided by patients when they consult with a bariatric surgeon and seek medical help.

Dr.J.SBhuvaneswaran, Director, PSG Super Speciality Hospitals said that they are witnessing fantastic transformation in the 5 patients who have come to this program. “It takes around a year or one-and-a-half year to see the transformation, but it is not just the appearance that has changed in these patients. Those who suffered diabetes and infertility issues due to obesity are now relieved. I congratulate Dr.Balamurugan for enabling such a transformation to take place in the lives of these people”

“Very few centers can do bariatric surgery in India and PSG Hospitals is one among them. We are really happy to have helped these individuals live a happier life”