SRM AP faculty designs a cost-effective shield against Coronavirus

Dr. Panchagunula Jayaprakash, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Andhra Pradesh, has designed a FACE SHIELD embedded with 3D printing technology. During this pandemic that has led to an unprecedented global crisis, this face protection devised to protect users from the Novel Coronavirus, is made available at a very low cost. This face mask alleviates the limitations of the regular masks currently used by doctors, policemen, and journalists.

The regular masks barely cover the nose and mouth, whereas the Face Shield will be able to protect the eyes, mouth, nose, and ears so that one cannot get infected by the virus. Some of the medical and police personnel who use the N95 masks suffer from facial irritation, making the Face Shield a comfortable and more effective alternative for all government officials on Covid duty. “While manufacturing the Face Shield, 3D printing technology is used for designing a headband, upon which a 100 micron thick transparent plastic sheet is attached to ensure superior protection against the virus. It prevents air, dust, and liquids that are contaminated to come in contact with people. Also, there are no probable side effects on using the mask.

If the government approves of its marketing, the face mask can be distributed among the public to prevent the widespread of Novel Coronavirus.”, says Dr. Jayaprakash. The management of SRM AP, Andhra Pradesh applauds Dr. Jayaprakash on designing the mask after relentlessly working on it for several days. Prof. Narayana Rao, Pro Vice-Chancellor of the University, has written to Adimulapu Suresh, Minister of Education, Andhra Pradesh, and Alla kalikrishna Srinivas, Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Minister for Health, Family welfare and Medical Education, Andhra Pradesh, highlighting the importance of the facial cover and the many ways it can be regarded as
a boon to the society as a whole. He said that the Face Shield would be beneficial to millions of students who would be attending regular classes once the educational institutions reopen.