E-Biz. Strategies &sustainable growth discussed at Rathinam CAS

The School of Commerce, Rathinam College of Arts and Science organized an International Conference on “E- Business Strategies and Opportunities for Sustainable Growth- A Global perspective (ICBS-2020)” on Monday.

In Technical Session – I, Deepak.P.Nair, Deutsche bank operations international GBS Pvt.Ltd, Operations Manager Bangalore. He spoke about the E-Business and Opportunities. He interacted with students and motivated them in development of day by day affairs in business. Nowadays in Business commercial, 2.4 million data is produced in a single day.

Dr.M.Anand Kumar Professor College of Engineering and Technology, Adigrat University Ethiopia conducted Technical Session -II.Nearly 426 students and faculty members are participate and present the papers during this conference of Commerce department from various colleges were presented during this International Conference.

Earlier Dr.K.Kumuthadevi, Dean of Commerce, Rathinam CAS welcomed the gathering and Dr.R.Muralidharan, Principal, Rathinam CAS offered Felicitation.