3 Indian-Americans nominated by Trump for powerful positions

Donald Trump who is known for his ‘America for Americans’ has surprisingly nominated three Indian –Americans to prime administrative positions in the US Government . Rita Baranwal, who currently serves as Director, Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear Initiative, INL’s Nuclear Science & Technology Directorate has been nominated for the post of Assistant Secretary of Energy (Nuclear). If this nomination is approved by the U.S. Senate, she will be responsible for a plethora of growth and development in Nuclear Technology, Research and Infrastructure.

Aditya Banzai, a renowned professor of Law at the University of Virginia- School of Law has been nominated for a membership in the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. Aditya’s nomination, if approved, will make him be part of the five member board. According to the official website of the board, it is mentioned that the board is authorized to continually review the implementation of Executive Branch policies, procedures, regulations, and information-sharing practices relating to efforts to protect the nation from terrorism, in order to ensure that privacy and civil liberties are protected.

Bimal Patel who is currently serving the US Government as its Assistant Secretary of Treasury For the Financial Stability Oversight Council, has been nominated as for the post of Assistant Secretary of the same.

All these nominees have a great deal of experience and could be guaranteed to bring innovation in their field once approved. India feels proud to know that US has valued Indians as its peers in the grand arena of its administration.