Goodbye Solar Eclipse, Hello Meteor Shower

Indians found it an impoosibility to watch the partial solar eclipse that occurred on Saturday. But stargazers didn’t lose hope due to the fact that they could enjoy meteor showers on the nights of12th and 13th of August. Yes, it would be a spectacular sky-show worth seeing. Skywatchers can enjoy this celestial show through naked eyes. The meteor shower is called Perseid Meteor Shower and it originates from Perseus Constellation. Perseid meteors are quite fast as they enter the Earth’s atmosphere at 60km/hr and 60-100 meteors will illuminate the sky every hour so Inidans can view this no matter where they are. Perseid Meteor Shower occurs annually between July 17 and August 24 but it will be intense from August 9th  to 13th. Patience is a virtue, my friend and you got to wait to watch this spectacle.