8 including 1 doctor die in Delhi Hosp. as oxygen supply runs out !

Eight people died Delhi’s Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre on Saturday as the medical-oxygen content got over. Among the eight deceased is a doctor belonging to the hospital, Dr.R.K.Himthani who was the Head of the Gastroenterology Department.

The hospital ran out of oxygen at 11.45 a.m. 6 out the 8 patients in focus were in the ICU while two of them were in the wards. Only at 1.30 p.m. the supply had come but it was too late.  For 1 hour and 20 minutes the hospital was without oxygen supply, sources reported. This is the second incidence in a week that the hospital has run out of oxygen.

Similarly,on April 23, twenty-five patients who were in the critical care unit of Jaipur Golden hospital in Rohini, Delhi, died due to lack of oxygen. Deep Baluja, the hospital’s medical director, told Hindustan Times that the patients were in the critical care unit and required a high flow of oxygen. “Our liquid medical oxygen was over by about 10 pm and then we switched over to the oxygen cylinders attached to the main gas pipeline. There was a drop in pressure and the patients could not survive,” Baluja said.

There are many hospitals in Delhi that struggle without the needed oxygen supply and this is because of the increase in the covid-infection in the Country’ capital.