It is not a Happy New Year for The Philippines

2019 is almost here and while the world nations are all gearing up to get into frivolous spirit, some nations in the world are not full of smiles at this time. The Philippines is one such nation that is in a melancholic state and will probably step into the first few days of 2019 in a sorrow filled mood due to the storm Usman.

When the government detected the storm, its ferocity was not rated by the officials to be categorized as a typhoon. The storm has been taunting the nation for a few days and now it has taken away 68 lives. Bicol region has been the worst affected region and the body counts seem to go higher according to Claudio Yucot, Bicol’s Civil Defence Director. According to reports from Philippines 1,30,000 people have been affected by the storm. Various cities and regions have been flooded, the electricity has been shut been cut, transportation facilities cancelled and the normal lives of people have been affected.