Recognize Stroke symptoms, act Fast! – KG Hospital

One of Coimbatore’s leading multi-speciality hospitals, KG Hospital observed World Stroke Day, on Friday.

Dr. G. Bakthavathsalam, Chairman, KG Hospital shared that in the past two years, KG Hospital has treated 528 brain stroke patients within the window period and successfully restored their brain power.

Observing the day, the hospital conveyed that stroke’s occurrence could be predicted when there is a loss of balance, loss of vision, one side of face drooping, weakness in the arms and slurring of speech.

Stroke specialist at KG Hospital, Dr.Ramakrishnan shared how fast the treatment for stroke is done there. A press release mentioned that if a patient with symptoms of stroke comes to the emergency ward at KG Hospital, the doctor will initiate the ‘Code Brain’ procedure. This procedure involves five steps; Doctor sees the patient, imaging of brain, stabilization and expert opinion, Thrombolysis (clot busting drug), and complete recovery. The entire procedure will be completed within 90 minutes.

The hospital conveyed that major risk factors for stroke were hypertension (61%), diabetes (36%) and tobacco use (32%), and treatments like Thrombolysis or Thrombectomy is beneficial if done at the earliest after stroke.