This is how April Fools’ Day started !

April Fools’ Day is one of the days kids and even grown-ups wait for. They do so because everyone likes to play harmless pranks on that specific day which has been in practice since several centuries.

But when it comes to knowing how and why such a practice began, we don’t get clearer answers. We did a little research and have a possible origin story. Romans were the ones who designed the earliest version of the current calendar we use. In their calendar, there were only 10 months, not 12.  March was their First month, in which Mars the Roman War God was honored. Celebrations of the birth of the New Year usually happens on March’s middle all throughout the dawn of April (Month devoted the Roman Goddess Aphrodite- the most beautiful female of all).

Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome added 2 months into the existing 10 months, and then January and February came into existence.

While major nations embraced this, some places didn’t get it quickly and so those who were celebrating their New Year on March till April were called Fools and as centuries passed by this became a celebration.